Mighty Minerals; What We Need to Stay Healthy

Mighty Minerals; What We Need to Stay Healthy

Our Body’s Periodic Table

Sodium with Chlorine

Why we need it: Fluid balance, nerve transmission, muscle contraction

Food Sources: sodium combines with chlorine in salt; Himalayan sea salt also contains 84 trace elements

Recommended Daily Intake: 1,500 milligrams of sodium


Why we need it: fluid balance, nerve transmission, muscle contraction

Food sources: bananas, dried figs, nuts, avocados

Recommended Daily Intake: 4.7 grams


Why we need it: strong teeth and bones, muscle relaxation and contraction,blood clotting, blood pressure regulation, immune system health

Food sources: leafy green vegetables, fortified nut milk, dairy products, canned sardines, salmon, dried figs,oysters; plus mineral water brands labeled higher in calcium and lower in sodium, per integrative medicine pioneer Dr. Andrew Weil

Recommended Daily Intake: 1,000 to 1,200 mg


Why we need it: joint function

Food sources: fish, beef, poultry, egg yolks, beans, coconuts, bananas, garlic

Recommended Daily Intake: 6mg of sulfur-containing amino acids per pound of adult weight


Why we need it: works with calcium to build strong bones, repair cells

Food sources: salmon, yogurt, turkey, lentils, almonds

Recommended Daily Intake: 700 mg


Why we need it: strong bones, energy, mental health

Food sources: leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds and foods with fiber

Recommended Daily Intake: 310 to 320 mg for adult women, 410 to 420 mg for adult men


Why we need it: helps make blood hemoglobin

Food sources: oysters, shellfish, red meat, whole grains, nuts

Recommended Daily Intake: 900 micrograms


Why we need it: healthy immune system

Food sources: nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables

Recommended Daily Intake: 11 mg


Why we need it: to ward off colds, aid sexual function

Food sources: oysters, shellfish, red meat, whole grains, nuts

Recommended Daily Intake: 9 mg for women, 11 mg for men


Why we need it: facilitates enzymes action

Food sources: organ meats, whole grains, shellfish, dark leafy greens

Recommended Daily Intake: 900 micrograms


Why we need it: thyroid function. healthy skin and nails

Food sources: seaweed, turkey, cranberries, navy beans, iodized table salt

Recommended Daily Intake: 150 micrograms


Why we need it: lowering cancer risk

Food sources: Brazilian nuts, tuna, halibut, turkey

Recommended Daily Intake: 55 micrograms



Why we need it: facilitates production of natural enzymes

Food sources: lima beans, cauliflower, peas, soybeans

Recommended Daily Intake: 45 micrograms


Why we need it: reduces insulin resistance, helps lower cholesterol

Food sources: lean meats, whole grains, broccoli, green beans

Recommended Daily Intake: 25 micrograms for adult females, 35 micrograms for adult males

The healthy human gut must accommodate a diverse range of food and non-food substances including endotoxins and microbes. Maintaining optimal structure and function of the intentional mucousa plays an essential role in absorption of minerals and supporting overall health and wellness.

Information from “Mighty Minerals; What We Need to Stay Healthy” by Judith Fertig