Superfoods for a Super You

Superfoods for a Super You

A plant-based diet is extremely beneficial to our wellbeing; however, the inclusion of superfoods can significantly increase these benefits. What makes a superfood? The most defining characteristics of superfoods are being easily digestible, raw, and rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and proteins. Superfoods are not synthetic or chemically altered in any way, and are uncooked and non-processed.

To reach the maximum benefit of superfoods, they must be included into a daily diet of whole, plant-based foods, and not only eaten on their own.

When living a busy and stressful life, our immune system becomes compromised, and inclusion of superfoods to your diet will greatly help keep your quality of nutrition and immunity intact. All human health conditions benefit from the inclusion of these foods, by excelling in improving any inflammatory condition and increasing blood flow.

There are 7 main components to the superfood groupings:

Algae Superfoods:

Algae are simple, photosynthetic organisms which have immune-enhancing properties, and are used in the treatment and prevention of cancer, and recovery from heavy metal/radiation poisoning.

Examples: Chlorella, Spirulina, and AFA (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, a blue-green algae)

Pollen Superfoods:

Pollen is a powder made from pollen grains collected from a flower, blossom, or plant, which are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and holds antibiotic properties.

Examples: All bee and flower pollens

Sprouts& Young Grasses:

Sprouts and young grasses are nutrient dense, easy to digest and are rich in antioxidants, phytochemicals, hormones, enzymes and vitamins. They can be purchased in local grocery stores, and are extremely easy to grow at home.

Examples: All sprouts (Alfalfa, Broccoli, Buckwheat greens, Chia, Clover, Hemp, Lentils, Mustard, Onion, Radish, Sunflower)

Examples: All young grasses (Barley grass, Oat grass, Rye grass, Spelt grass, Wheatgrass)

Edible Weeds/Local Wild Foods:

These vary from region and are found in limited selections, however contain much higher levels of vitamins and minerals than commercially grown greens, and work to promote detoxification through the cleansing of the liver.

Examples: Amaranth, Chickweed, Chicory, Dandelion, Mallow, Malva, Plantain, Purslane, Sorrel, Stinging nettles.

Foods High in Essential Fatty Acids and/or Mucilage:

Essential fatty acids must be consumed through foods since the human body cannot manufacture them on its own. These fatty acids balances and protects human health, playing a critical role in growth and development, and boosting the heart, reproductive, nervous, and immune systems.

Examples: Aloe Vera, Chia seed and sprouts, Flax seed and sprouts, Hemp seed nut, Fenugreek sprouts.

Fruit & Berry Seeds: 

Many fruits grown commercially are not classified as superfoods since they have been hybridized to generate larger yields and a sweeter fruit. These wild superfood fruits are much higher in nutritional value than what is found in local supermarkets.

Examples: Acai, Acerola, Amla, Camu camu, Goji berries, Grape seeds, Noni, Sprouted berry seeds.

Everyday Vegetables, Spices and Seasonings:

Many household pantry staples are used often in medicinal practices and collectively excel in antioxidant activity, cancer prevention and treatment, cardiovascular health and inflammatory response. 

Examples: Celery seed, Garlic, Ginger, Maca, Turmeric.

Consider adding some superfoods to your diet to feel better, energize your body and be a super you!

Stay tuned for our new and exciting monthly newsletter in the next few weeks. 

Until then…Good health

Serbonich, Kelly. “Permacharts.”